Event Date: May 11, 2021
Dying Matters week is a chance for organisations, individuals and partners to come together to open up the conversation around dying, death and bereavement.
This year we’re privileged to be partnering with Arthur Rank Hospice Charity, joining their Living Well service for a creative writing workshop ‘A Conversation with Death‘.
The 2021 Dying Matters Week theme is #InAGoodPlace and this is a topic which comes up often in our workshops and events with care practitioners, dying people, bereaved people, and their families and friends. Of course, places, and especially a sense of home, are also an important element in the literature of death and dying.
To mark the week, here are a few favourite poems that deal with place in quite different ways. Why not share your thoughts with us? @what_death #dyingmatters #InAGoodPlace
Alfred Tennyson, ‘Crossing the Bar’
Charlotte Bronte, ‘I now had only to retrace’
Emily Dickinson, ‘I died for Beauty’