Threshold One; from pandemic to refreshed world, by Rick Nelms

Three Reflections On Beauty
Last words and Avengers: Endgame
Literary Epitaphs
and the question of monuments
Poetic creativity and the fear of death
Is the ‘good life’ a life of purpose?
Anger and futility:
Wilfred Owen and ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’
An Anthropologist Reflects:
The idea of death and how we live with it
An Anthropologist Reflects: Death do us part
Do not go gentle into that good night
Poetry and the Good Death
Rest in Play: Exploring Death in Videogames
Spiritfarer: A Cosy Management Game About Dying
A Losing Game: Playing at Grieving in ‘What Remains of Edith Finch’
Unspeakable: The Colour of Grief in Gris
A Touching Gesture: Hand Movements and Loss in Videogames
20 Videogames About Death and Dying